Addie's place on the web...

Just some stuff I want to share with you

A rainy day in Singapore

Monday 9 March 2009

As the title already suggests: today it rained in Singapore.

And you know what: it’s so wet that I can’t even get to the mall that’s across the road of my hotel (that’s about 50 meters or so) without getting wetter than when taking a shower. Another nasty effect: normally humidity here is high. I leave it to your imagination what happens when it rains here and the sun shows itself for 10 minutes. The locals have a solution: you stay inside where the air conditioner compensates for all that!

So did I. The only options available today are shops or museums. Or work on my website and have a relaxing day in the hotel. Drinking coffee or something more refreshing (Tiger it’s called over here) and do a whole lot of nothing. Well look at the site and you can figure out what I did today.

In a few hours I leave Singapore to fly to Brisbane. Australia here I come!

Exploring Singapore – in one day

Sunday 8 March 2009

I never planned to go to Singapore, but flying from The Netherlands to Australia is a very long flight. So staying over in a city like Singapore and then continue the flight is a relaxing way of getting there.

That’s how I ended up in Singapore and I opted to stay here for a few days to explore the city. I got several folders promoting the city and looking at the Internet, this must be shopping heaven. But there must be more to this place. Keep in mind that there are 4.8 million people living here on a relatively small island (it’s just over 700 square kilometers and therefore it’s packed…) and they want more than just shops. My travel agent already solved the “what to do” issue: they booked me on the 3.5 hours “Experience the City” tour.

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On my way… The Australian adventure has begun.

Saturday 7 March 2009

The adventure has begun.

Friday 6 March I left home to fly to Singapore, my first stop. After a nice taxi ride to Amsterdam Schiphol and some strolling along the shops, I decided to have a look at the British Airway business lounge. This is a first time: I have bought a business class ticket to and from Australia and therefore I get all this luxury: use of the lounge, good meals, a lot of space and perfect service. So it’s going to be like heaven, with angels and all…

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